Friday, May 29, 2009

Letter from my viewers...(every now nd then im gonna post letters from viewers) Im gonna call these posts "1on1Letter"

(A Youtube message from my viewer)

Thank you

I just wanted to thank you for this. I am not male, I am not gay, but I can relate.
I dont feel as dirty, as wrong or as unworthy. I grew up thinking that what happened to me was my fault... They didnt even have to tell me not to tell... They just made sure I was always in trouble...

For years I grew up not attracted to anyone...male or female... I had no feelings at all toward anyone... I thought maybe I was supposed to be .. me... on this island... there for everone... but alone.. I love people... but it is purely platonic...

I also grew up in church... I was 3 when they (2 cousins) started... and ended when I was about 10...

I thought I put it all behind me... but it was not over. I was taken advantage of in every other area of my life...time after time... I couldnt be around any men of a certain age... I hated the concept of family.. kept all my problems to myself because I felt somehow I deserved them... and deep down.. I thought God was punishing me for what happened to me...

I was grown before I was a child... When I finally tried to tell someone.. I was told I was a lier... I was the 'good' child... so their reaction... shocked me.. and made me question everything.. my whole life... my reasons for doing 'the right thing'... why I walked around covered from head to foot, not even my neck showing...why I couldnt stand girls...why I felt so different... why I felt like I was looking through a window at the rest of the world...

I went through a depression... I left home... (I am only telling half the story...)

You have let me know that my experience was not in vain... I know it is so I can prevent the same hurt and destruction and most of all pain from happening to others...

I still have nightmares...almost every night... I entered my first ever 'relationship' a year ago and I am well into my 20's... But from watching you... I know I am going to be ok...

Thank you....

Thank you so much...

Thank you... thank you....