Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Return of YoBoiNewnue Season 2: Ep#20 "Sweet Home Alabama"

YESSS! Im sooo happy that YoBoiNewnue Show is back. My viewers were telling me that all day and im happy for it. (Ep#19 posted Oct 28, so its long over due)

YoBoiNewnue Show Season 2 returns today, taken place on the road trip to ATL Pride. On August 29, 2008 we were traveling passing through Mississippi and Alabama. We stopped in Birmingham to visit my cousin Brandon and Lil bro Keith.

We were in Traffic and these girls gave us their number to call them from their car. So we call them and well you will have to watch for yourself. They made fun of my name, but im used to it anyway. And they invited us to their to chill with them when we arrive in ATL. They really loved Monte, the caller stated "You are sooo cute". While Jc and Lamar was in the back seat laughing, I was driving getting this horrible event on tape.

To me I think that it is so desperate to give your number out on the highway, BUTTTT, I would of done the same thing if I would of seen some sexy ass niggers driving too! lol -MUAH