Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"How The Hell Are You Born Gay??? PART#2" 1on1#33 (or should I re-phrase it "I Was Not Born Gay")

"How The Hell Are You Born Gay??? PART#2" 1on1#33 (or should I re-phrase it "I Was Not Born Gay")

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A Comment from one of my viewers who I agree on...

What up man?! Thanks for posting your latest one on one about being born gay. I left a comment on the vid but I had to send you this personal message just to encourage you. Man, I admire your individualism! Continue to be bold and brave and stand up for what you believe no matter what the cost. I read most of the comments, and comment after comment most people were saying that they didn't agree, or you missed the mark, but they still loved you. Well, that's wonderful to say, and I respect everybody's right to an opinion, but I DON'T agree with them! I believe that you are correct. Being gay IS a choice! And here's a little bit of why I believe it's a choice:

I don't know your religious background, but I was brought up to believe in the Bible. According to the Bible we all are made in the image and the likeness of our Creator, God. So, since we are created in His image and likeness I don't believe that part of our god-given nature is gay. However, after the fall of man (when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden), all of mankind has been born in sin and shaped in iniquity. This is also in the Bible. So, with that being said, here's where our choice comes in: God said that Adam and Eve could eat of ANY tree in the garden except the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve (and then later Adam), CHOSE to eat of that tree and they had to face the consequences of their decision.

I like when you said people need to own up to their own decisions and stop trying to place the blame on science or God or whatever. When I was young I liked girls, at six years of age I had an experience with a guy friend, but continued to like and date girls. Only when I was older did I DECIDE to revisit that experience I had with a guy when I was young. I chose that, even though inside I felt wrong about it, I still chose to do it and liked it. God gave us our own will to choose to do it our way or His way. Whichever way we choose to do it, WE control our own destiny with the choices we make - it's true just like you said. Someone recently asked me the same question and this is what I told them: The only way I can believe that you were born gay is that you were born with the predisposition to be that way because ALL of us, since the fall of Adam and Eve, have been born in sin and shaped in iniquity according to the Bible. But, I told him, you still had to CHOOSE to live that lifestyle for yourself because we all have a free will to choose what we want to do AND how we want to live our lives.