Friday, June 5, 2009

The World Premier of "YoBoiNewnue" Season 3 (Reality Series) Ep#28 "Where I Left Off"

I met so many unique people
travel to so many different places
and I fell in love with many beautiful national monuments.

This season of "YoBoiNewnue" Season 3 has been a roller coaster, fill with fun, excitement and sexiness.

This Season is soooo unique, because I have grown as an editor and as a speaker. I also will do confessional s on this season, just to give you guys an extra scoop of what is going down

I travel to DC, New York, Detroit, Orlando, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Houston, TX

Watch the World Premier of YoBoiNewnue Season 3 NOW!!!
it will include a mini Episode of Ep#28 "Where I Left Off" just giving you a update of what has been going with my life..
AND a previews of whats to come.. on this great season...