Thursday, January 8, 2009

YoBoiNewnue Ep#23 "My Virgo Ass"

I was was born on September 10th, 1985 @ 6:35AM. My name is Lester Matthews (at me on Face-book) im 23 years old and I was born in New Orleans, LA. Celebrating birthdays can be fun, thats why I decided to go big on my birthday week in 2008. My birthday was on a Wednesday last year and that weekend was my party.

This video showed how I spend my birthday week. Starting out with my family and ending with my close friends at the gathering. My little sisters and mother was so sweet singing me happy birthday. As the week goes by, I visit the club with JC on that Friday at Club Che and Saturday at club Brick. My party on Sunday was great and well organized.

This episode is entitled "My Virgo Ass" because im a virgo and Virgo are the shit!!! Everybody knows that!

Virgos are born from August 23 to September 22...
[People who were born in this period are as a rule generally successful in life. They have keen, good intellects, are very discriminating about those with whom they associate, and in all business matters they have good judgment, and are not easily imposed upon or deceived. They are usually materialistic in their views of life, and analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards. These people are and attracted to only that knowledge that can be applied usefully. They will happily share this information with anyone, if it confirms their own usefulness in the world, and brings them eagerly out of there shells.]

So enjoy the video... Mixed with family memories, chatting with JC and Hot & sexy performances.